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„DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships“ is a programme implemented by the 'German Aerospace Center' (DLR) and the 'German Academic Exchange Service' (DAAD). DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in Aeronautics, Space, Energy, Transport, Digitalisation and Security is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany´s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility for the forward planning and the implementation of the German space program by the German federal government as well as for the international representation of German interests. Approximately 10,000 people plus approx. 550 visiting scientists are employed in DLR´s 55 institutes and facilities at 30 locations in Germany.

Who can apply?

This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign graduates, doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists. DLR-DAAD Fellowships are defined and awarded on an individual basis. Each fellowship announcement will indicate the specific qualification requirements and terms of visit.

What can be funded?

The current offers are published under DLR-DAAD Fellowships - Current offers on the homepages of the DAAD and the DLR in the research fields:

  • Aeronautics
  • Space
  • Energy
  • Transportation
  • Digitalisation
  • Security
Please note that within the DLR-DAAD programme, you can apply only for a DLR institute, not for a university or any other institution.

Duration of the funding

  • Type A - Graduate Students: 9 months
  • Type B - Doctoral Students: 36 months
  • Type C - Postdoctoral Students: 6 to 24 months
  • Type D - Senior Scientists: 1 to 3 months


  • Type A – Graduate Students (Research in Germany): monthly instalment of 934 euros; plus e.g. flat-rate travel allowance, rent subsidy, health insurance, family allowances
  • Type B - Doctoral Students (Doctorate in Germany): monthly instalment of 1,760 euros; e.g. flat-rate travel allowance, health insurance, family allowances
  • Type C - Postdoctoral Students (Research in Germany): 2,400 euros per month
  • Type D - Senior Scientists (Research in Germany): 2,760 euros per month

Further information

For further information see:

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Captura de pantalla del mapa con la indicación de la ubicación del DAAD