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University Winter Courses in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates • DAAD


This scholarship programme is designed for students, graduates and doctoral candidates. It aims to help them improve their knowledge of the German language (general language) as well as German regional and cultural studies.

Who can apply?

  • Applications are open to students and graduates as well as doctoral candidates in any subject area.
  • Undergraduate students must have completed at least two academic years when the scholarship period starts.
  • Students in the last year of a study programme are eligible to apply if they continue their studies in a postgraduate study programme shortly after completing their undergraduate degree. Please submit a letter of confirmation from your university as proof.

What can be funded?

  • The programme funds attendance of language and regional studies courses that are offered by state or state-recognised German universities and by affiliated language schools.
  • Click here to find out more about the course providers and their course programmes.
  • The courses are taught exclusively in German.

Duration of the funding

  • Up to 6 weeks
  • The grants are not extendable.
  • The courses start in January and end in February.


  • One-time scholarship payment of 2,151 euros; scholarship holders from the "Least Development Countries" receive a scholarship of EUR 2,326.
  • Payment of a country-specific travel allowance
  • Health, accident and personal liability insurance benefits
Please note:
The above-mentioned scholarship benefits (including the travel allowance) are not transferred abroad.
The course fees and accommodation costs are usually directly deducted from the scholarship benefits by the language course provider, so that the scholarship holder may "only" receive the difference to the full amount from the course provider.


A qualified selection committee will review all applications.
The most important selection criteria are:

  • Previous academic achievements
  • Convincing letter of motivation for choice of study programme and future academic project

Further information

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Captura de pantalla del mapa con la indicación de la ubicación del DAAD